Thursday, December 8, 2011


well today is the last day of class for us in Mrs. Aikens english 1101 class. It has been fun this semester in this class. i have really enjoyed the experience and opportunities i have been given. This class was very beneficial to me in many ways. Hopefully i can use these things in the future. Thanks Mrs. Aiken!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Well, its winding down on the end of the semester. Publix is still doing great, we are still going strong even though it has been kind of slow since Thanksgiving. Classes are finally getting done with and i hope i did good seeing how it is my first semester of college. It has been a very interesting semester. It has been hard since i work all the time but i know i have to do it in order to be successful in life so ill take it any way i can get it. I hope everyone has  Publix day and remember, Publix, where shopping is a pleasure!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We just had a crazy week at Publix. This is obviously because of the great holiday of Thanksgiving. It was great for our store. The day before  Thanksgiving we hit record sales doing about 115,500 dollars for the day. Overall for the week, we hit record sales as well pushing over 433,000 dollars in the books. It was just a great opportunity for Publix and we had a great time taking care of the customers. I love Publix. i really hope all of you will love Publix one day and shop there to get all of the great deals you may not see anywhere else. It is just a great place in general i think. And remember, Publix...Where shopping is a pleasure!!!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Heyyyyyy!! how yall doin? its almost Thanksgiving, that means there will be great food and fun stuff to do.Gosh, i cant even imagine how many turkeys Publix will sell during this holiday season. That will be great for our local stores, and stores everywhere. I hear that kroger sells turkeys too but they are bad. I hear they are not good at all and if you eat them you will get a not so good feeling. So, stop on by at your local Publix, where our friendly assosiates will assist you with your every need for this holiday season. Everyone, i hope you have a very Publix Thanksgiving. And remember, PUBLIX," WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE"!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


hey guys, this is Charles. Charles enjoys spending his mid summer afternoons going on hay rides and on his days off he enjoys realing limited edition kitten calenders. he is a very dedicated nice guy who loves "chilling" with his friends. he also enjoys shredding construction papers every other Tuesday of the month.


yeah, heyyyyy!!! how yalll today? its a great day here in the world of Publix. i hope everyone is having a great day. woah! like what in the world is going on over across the street at kroger. i hear they got some wicked stuff going on over there! that is a mess iwold NOT like to pick up. i really feel sorry for everyone assosiated with kroger. its a very bad place and it needs to be taken out of our society. danette says hey, i say "hay is for horses"! she says "and donkeys, i have thirteen". she is crazy haha , well im headed in to your local Publix at this time. Have a Publix day...and remember...Publix , where shopping is a pleasure!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


hey, hows it going.....mannnn its gonna be a long day. The Publix world is great but i have been there extra this week. last night i worked a 13 hour shift. the only bad thing is that i got off at five this mornig. i also had to drive home from marrieta because i  worked at a Publix in part of Atlanta. it was great but im not gonna lie, im a little tired bacause i had to be at class at 8 this morning. Woah!! hopefully it will be a Publix day. well i hope yall have a great day and remember, Publix...where shopping is a pleasure!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Yeah, GO Publix!!!

hey, its a great day today. so yesterday i was at Milledgeville when i stumbled upon a new place. it was a new kroger. this kroger was HUGE! Supposedly it is the largest in the southeast and the second largest kroger in the nation. yes, i know what your thinking, did i really go in there? yes, i had to check out my competition. it was pretty clean but i wasnt very impressed. everything seemed to be scattered everywhere. its like they were trying to compete with wal-mart and add different items in the store. why would they do that. i guess they are trying to step up since they are so low. Theey need to step up on their customer service. i hear Publix has the best customer service around. everyone have a Publix day..and remember, Publix, where shopping is a pleasure

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Hey, hows it goin, i hope everyone is having a Publix day! to my audience in Southern California, i just got my new surf board in the mail so this summer i will come visit yall sometime. well, unfortunately i have some bad news. A new Kroger opened up in Milledgeville this past week. it is supposedly the largest one in the Southeast and 2nd largest in the nation. I am glad there isnt a Publix in Milledgeville now. Even though we would be great competition but the sales would be down im sure. We still dominate in the five states we are in so its all good. When your ever in doubt about which is better (kroger or Publix), just remember... do you ever hear anyone say they LOVE kroger?? no! People shop at kroger because it is a convenience because of where the person lives. People absolutely LOVE Publix!! if you dont believe me, check out our official facebook page. Everyone have a Publix day and a Publix week, until next time. Remember...Publix, Where shopping is a pleasure!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


hey, how you doin. today the weather is great. its finally feeling like october. today im going to a haunted house. yayyyy. im going to haunted montrose which is supposed to be like the best haunted house around here. even though i get really scared, im ready, it will be a good thrill. PUBLIX is the best. i just love Publix. i dont know what i would do without them. they are my family and my life. what would the world be like without Publix. i just dont know if we could handle society as a whole if we didnt have a grocery store as superior as Publix. well i hope you all have a Publix day, and remember... Publix, where shopping is a pleasure!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I Love Publix!!!
do you know our mission statement?

Our Mission at Publix is to be the premier quality food retailer in the world.

To that end we commit to be:
  • Passionately focused on Customer Value,
  • Intolerant of Waste,
  • Dedicated to the Dignity, Value and Employment Security of our Associates,
  • Devoted to the highest standards of stewardship for our Stockholders, and
  • Involved as Responsible Citizens in our Communities

Thursday, October 6, 2011


hey, hows everyone doing today. its a good day at Publix as it is every day. Yay, the fair started today. im going to the fair on Sunday. i have to work from 6 to 3, but as soon as i get off im gonna go to the fair with my new in-laws haha. its gonna be a great weekend. I will get to see Publix and my family so its all good. the fair is just a good opportunity to get out and do all those fun activities with the family. you cant beat that. Go Publix!! Publix is just the best place in the world. im sorry for all of the people that dont live in the Southeast who cant enjoy the shopping experience of going to Publix. i know its a bummer but im sorry to say were not gonna have any stores up north any time soon. even though we have alot of room for expansion, we still have a lot of room for expansion in the states we are in. Currently we have stores in 5 states; Florida, Georgia, Alabama Tennessee, and South Carolina. We have 1,038 stores in operation at this time. i just love Publix. Well, i hope you all have a Publix day and remember...Publix, where shopping is a pleasure!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Publix is good, Kroger is bad
do you know my dad?
kroger employees have horrible moods
at Publix, we give you the right attitude

Publix likes kids and bakes good cakes
While at Kroger, they sale bad steaks.
yeahhh, Publix is in da house
go to Kroger and you will see a mouse

At Publix, we keep a clean kitchen
Kroger is known for their employess to be....not good
they are all from the hood
and their dogs arent good

We love everyone at your local store
because at Publix, we wont call you a . . door
Kroger is just a terrible place
shopping there is like a slap in the face

Have a Publix day everyone!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Every year, at the beginning of September, Publix starts their United Way campain. If you are not familiar with the United way, its a graet organization throughout the nation. all over, the united way funds charitably organizations. locally, they fund 34 charites. the biggest being the red cross. 38% of t he red crosses money comes from the united way. so basically, without the United Way, there would be no Red Cross. they also fund the "big brothers, big sisters" program, meals on wheels, and local food banks. its a great organization that helps the kids. Yesterday i went to the boys and girls club to see what our dollars are really doing in the community. i saw alot of great things going on. alot of kids from the area came in right after school. when they came in, they got something to eat and play games. next they go in rooms and did their homework after that, they did some exersizes, and finally, they colud play basketball. i had an opportunity to see how our money really does help and that it really does good for them. being the coordinator for my store, i have helped raise almost 21,000 dollars so far. its been a great campain so far. its part of our mission statement to be actively involved in the community,in that, we need to take care of all that we can do. so next time you even think about shopping at kroger, remember which grocery store actually helps out in the community and which store yuo would come to in desirable need. and remember, Publix...Where shopping is a pleasure

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


hey guys, how you today? i hope your having a Publix day, i know Shelley is. im feeling Publix green today, ohhh what a good day it shall be. im headed to Cartersville today to visit Publix #554. were doing a reset. when the store closes we will take down eveything and move it across the store. it will be fun, even though i wont get off until like 4 AM but it will be a good day tomorrow since i wont get any sleep. but i am ready. as long as i have a Publix day ill be fine. its all good in the eyes of Publix. i had a Publix weekend and got to see all my friend from high  school so it turned out to be a great one, well i hope all of you have a Publix day and stay out of this nasty kroger weather, and remember... Publix, where shopping is a pleasure.!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


yeahhh so today i had to turn in my first paper for english. i really had fun writing it. its about a shopping experience at kroger. as yo could already assume, the shopping trip didnt go to well. kroger is like the worst place ever. never ever ever will i ever go there in my whole entire life. from what i have heard about them , they are really nasty and dont ever clean. they are mean and rude too. they dont even know what customer service is i dont think. why do people have to be that way? if everyone had that Publix mentality we would all be ok. its unfortunate to say that that will never happen. at publix everything is perfect and neat and organized to perfection. we strive for excellence and to make every customer happy no matter wht it takes. im sorry for all of yous who shop at kroger. Publix will always be there for you if you ever decide to head on the other side of town. we will make your shopping experience a pleasure. thats my promise to you. we will never knowingly dissapoint you in any way . if your ever unsatisfied with the product, bring it back and we will cheerfully give you a full refund. Publix promise. Publix... Where shopping is a pleasure.!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

hey you guys, i hope your having a Publix day. its a great day here in the macon area. i saw on the news last night thar some guys who work at kroger got in truouble for vandalizing. gosh, its horrible what people are doing in our community. but when you put the facts on paper...they do work at kroger. so what else would you expect from them? its unfortunate that everyone cant work at Publix and have the well being appearance and attitude that only a Publix culture would accept in the highest of matters. i hope those guys go to jail for a long time for breaking into that old ladys house. maybe we all just need to take a field trip to Publix so we can learn how to be the best we can be.  have you ever heard the saying "dont believe verything you hear".? well if you hear a kroger commercial on the radio or on the television, dont listen to it.its all fake and they are messing with you. yuor not really saving money, there playing mind games with you. they make me so mad sometimes...welll all the time.yall have a bless day, and remember.. Publix, where shopping is a pleasure.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Its been a great week at Publix. Yesterday we had our United way kickoff meeting for the year. Publix is the best. We donate sop much money to United way, which is a charitable organization across the nation. Publix ranks at #3 in the nation on the top contributors list. Last year our company donated over 23.3 million dollars to the company...wowwwww. GO PUBLIX!!! If only kroger and wal-mart were half as good as us, the world would be a better place. but unfortunately, not many can compete with Publix. so now you know. Kroger doesnt really play a role in helping the community do they?, i think not! And remember, Publix...where shopping is a pleasure.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Publix is a great place. it has everything you could ever want or need. dont forget that wednesdays are our penny item and senior days. every Wednesday if you spend 10 dollars or more you get something for a penny. its different every week so be sure to stop by and see what it is. Also, if you are a senior citizen, you wil get 5% off of your bill. these are just some of the great deals you can find at Publix .Remember that if yuo bring your kids in at any time of any day, they can get free cookies from the bakery. this is great for the parents because it takes care of the kids needs and you can have fun on your grocery trip. Hope to see you soon. And remember, "Publix, where shopping is a pleasure".

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why did i come to Macon State College?

       The reason i came to macon state college is so i could be close to home, and my job. i work at Publix, and im full time. i intend to make that my career so im gonna stick with it. Publix is paying for pretty much all of my college so they have helped me out alot in the past couple of years. i am still living at home but most of the time im not there. im usually at school or working so its not a hassle ever being around my parents too long. Macon State seems to be a good school, i like it so far. Everyone seems to be so chill so i think it will be fun here. it feels good to finally be in college, freedom is everything and we finally have it here. Im ready to meet new people and start something new finally. I like all of my professors so far, they all seem like they actually care about their job and are always willing to help their students which makes school that much better. the only hassle is parking if you dont have an early class. you have to park way out and it takes forever to walk that far. For the most part, Publix is whats keeping me going, i love it there and my co-workers are like family. i hope to be there until i retire. its the greatest place ever! Publix is the future defenition of customer service.